At times while reading John Weir's very funny, very sad "What I Did Wrong," you might find yourself flashing back to Al Pacino in "Angels In America." In this case, the guy dying of AIDS is much younger and much less political, but equally bitchy as life seeps out of him. It's a memorable portrait in a book full of memorable people and moments.
Set in New York, "What I Did Wrong" deals with a 42-year-old Queens College professor's relationship with three people: Zack, his dead sort-of boyfriend; Justin, one of his students; and Richie, his best friend from high school. To simplify, Zack represents reality (AIDS, death), Justin hope (a potential lover half the prof's age)and Richie a combination of innocence, normality and inertia (the straight guy who ends up not far from home, physically or psychologically, in Long Island).
Don't run your fingers across the pages of this book. Weir's writing is so sharp it'll make you bleed.
Hey, guy, it's John Weir. Just wanted to thank you for the shout out about my book. That's very swell of you. Hope you're doing well, and that you're not a Red Sox fan. John Weir.
Wow. I should check my blog more often. Didn't even see you had visited. If you ever come back, thanks! ;)
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