The only thing about Taxgate that bothers me is this: What made Tom Daschle feel he needed -- and perhaps deserved -- a car and driver at his command ... 24/7 ... as a private citizen? It's just another deliciously nasty little snapshot of this greedy era. Daschle apparently felt he was just too important to do what 95 percent of people do: either drive themselves or take the subway, the bus or even a cab. Instead -- and I'm guessing here -- he felt his time was so important, his station in life so lofty, his service to the nation already so generous that he was entitled to a round-the-clock chauffeur. It actually wouldn't bug me so much if Daschle had been spending his own $100,000-plus a year for the livery. But to accept it as a gift? From a rich guy trying to rub shoulders with "powerful" people? That's pathetic.
(The picture: THAT'S what Daschle should have been driving -- a 100 mpg car that was quite popular on Capitol Hill, at least for photo ops.)
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