Two movies I saw recently:

- If I were to be a monk, I'd choose Buddhism in a heartbeat. I mean, come on: pretty saffron robes, reincarnation, cute guys, lots of vegetarian food. It would be nirvana. So, naturally, I enjoyed a little film from Bhutan called "The Cup." It's premise is simple: the interaction of the modern world with the ancient. Set in a monastery in India (though actually shot in Bhutan), the movie focuses on young monks intent on securing a TV for the World Cup. As with many foreign flicks, "The Cup" seeps into your mind -- rather than splashing off it like a Hollywood-style movie. You almost feel as though you've actually checked into the monastery. Not a bad way to spend 93 minutes.
- I'm a bit reluctant to mention the second movie because it deals with such a kinky subject: sadomasochism. I never understood the appeal of this fetish. Now, I do. Let me clarify: I have zero interest in performing S&M. To me, is seems "weird." I hate to use that word because it appears judgmental, but in this case it does reflect my intellectual and emotional reaction. Even so, "Punish Me" is so brilliantly acted and so fresh in its material (at least for me) that it's stuck in my mind. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the kid seeking sexual punishment -- played by Kostja Ullman -- redefines teen-age beauty. But it's more than that. The 50-year-old woman whipping the boy is equally compelling. Her transformation from proper parole officer to libidious sex maniac is as sharply etched as a birch tree against a gray German sky. And make no mistake: This is a very, very German film -- full of frank, stark images and emotions. Filmed in sometimes-grainy black-and-white, it gives no pretense of romance. More like art-house porn. But porn that teaches you about a murky subculture.
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