Friday, January 9, 2009

Screwed Or Not?

I love being gay. I'd hate to be straight. 

Having said that, there is one thing about queerdom that bugs me -- namely, the expectation of sex whenever two guys date. 

I don't mean anticipation. I mean expectation. If you don't go to bed with a guy on the first date, he's flabbergasted. And if you're still just cuddling by Date 2, he's ready to throw his fishing line into another stream. Not that there's anything wrong with having sex 15 minutes after you've polished off dessert, but -- for the zillionth time -- I really want to develop some affection for the guy before jumping under the covers with him.

Obviously, Insta-Sex isn't an exclusively gay concept. Maybe it isn't even more prevalent in our community. Perhaps the notion of -- to use an archaic term -- courtship is dead everywhere.

What do you think? (That question is for both gays and straights.)


Unknown said...

I think the expectation comes from the fact that that's 2 male egos to contend with. :)

ho_tellperson - Yet

Jammmick said...

Haha. You're precisely right, as always, C. Great to hear from you again!

Anonymous said...

Ineteresting concept, you do have a point. Although I rather cuddle then get served, talk about losing your dessert. Although the Anime cuddling pic is hot. ※drools※ And im a dude!!!!!